Friday, September 07, 2018

World Literacy Day - Selamat Hari Literasi Sedunia

Hari Literasi Antarabangsa diperingati di seluruh dunia pada 8 September sebagai satu cara untuk meraikan bagaimana kemahiran membaca dapat mengubah kehidupan dan juga untuk memberi perhatian kepada berjuta-juta orang yang tidak mempunyai akses kepada pendidikan dasar atau program literasi.

2018 theme for #literacyday is 'Literacy and skill development' which focuses on integrated approach of persistent literacy, skills challenges and new skill demands for the VUCA world.
Big support to UNESCO for the initiative!

On International Literacy Day 2018, UNESCO calls on the international community to promote combined approaches to literacy and skills development and fulfill the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure that no is left behind. In an increasingly digitized and globalized world, literacy is more vital to navigate life and work than ever. But around the world, 750 million adults still cannot read and write. The rapidly changing labor markets require that skills are developed throughout life. By combining literacy learning with skills development, the most vulnerable populations can be supported. Integrated approaches to literacy and skills development throughout life allows people to access resources that open doors to decent work opportunities and improved lives. Learn more on the International Literacy Day website:

Literacy is the cornerstone of peace & sustainable development.
Join UNESCO in spreading the message!
International #LiteracyDay is coming up, and this year the focus is on literacy in a digital world!
Learn more:

#worldliteracyday #literacyday #literacyforall #literacygoesglobal #skilldevelopment #globalization #digitization #sustainablegoals2030

#worldliteracyday #literacyday #literacyforall #literacygoesglobal #skilldevelopment #globalization #digitization #sustainablegoals2030

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