Alhamdulilah kali in kumpulan kami telah menerima menerima Par Excellence Award di 46th International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2021


Alhamdulilah dari dua projek inovasi yang saya sertai dalam (IIDEX) 2019 kali ini , inovasi WeGBY CHAIR telah menerima Anugerah SPECIAL AWARD - DIAMOND dan GOLD manakala inovasi RDMS (Reference Desk Management System ) mendapat anugerah SILVER


Alhamdulilah kali ini di anugerahkan sebagai Fasiltator Terbaik di Konvensyen KIK Peringkat UiTM 2019 Zon Tengah sekali lagi setelah menerima pada tahun 2016


Alhamdulilah tugasan kali ini berjaya membawa kumpulan KIK PTAR i-Clique meraih Anugerah Emas dalam Konvensyen Team Excellent Peringkat Wilayah 2018 ( Wilayah Selatan ) di Holiday Villa Johor Bahru City Centre


Alhamdulilah dapat juga melakarkan sejarah memenangi anugerah emas bagi penyertaan di International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2017) pula dengan produk inovasi Solat Alert Software (SAS). ....

Anugerah EMAS (GOLD) di Ekspo Reka Cipta, Inovasi dan Reka Bentuk (Invention, Innovation And Design Exposition) - IIDEX

Alhamdulilah kedua-dua projek inovasi yang saya sertai mendapat anugerah dalam IIDEX2016 daripada sejumlah 745 penyertaan keseluruhannya.

Awards at British Invention Show 2009

The British Invention Show, is the largest innovation and technology expo in Britain. UiTM submitted 8 entries of which all won medals.

Fasilitator Terbaik

Fasilitator Terbaik kali kedua berturut-turut. Sebenarnya kejayaaan ini adalah kejayaan anda semua.

Konvensyen ICC Kebangsaan

Naib Johan Sektor Awam, 10 Kumpulan Terbaik Sektor Awam, Anugerah Emas 3 Bintang Konvensyen ICC Kebangsaan

Pingat Emas Dalam Malaysia Technology Expo ( MTE)

Menerima anugerah Pingat Emas dalam Malaysia Technology Expo ( MTE) 2009 yang telah diadakan pada 19 hingga 21 Februari 2009 di PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. Pelbagai hasil penyelidikan telah dipamerkan oleh 460 peserta/ kumpulan daripada pelbagai IPTA, badan swasta, MRSM dan lain-lain organisasi.

Monday, May 31, 2010

MillatFacebook Pengganti Facebook?

MILATFACEBOOK BUAT MUSLIM OLEH MUSLIMLahore, CyberNews. Orang Pakistan, yang marah pada Facebook sehubungan dengan karikatur yang menghujat Nabi Muhammad SAW, telah menciptakan laman jejaring pemisahan diri yang mereka impikan dapat menghubungkan 1,6 miliar Muslim di seluruh dunia.

Sekelompok enam profesional muda TI dari Lahore, ibukota budaya dan hiburan Pakistan, meluncurkan bagi orang Muslim untuk berinteraksi daring (dalam jaringan) dan memprotes penghujatan.

Perusahaan swasta tersebut lahir setelah satu pengadilan Pakistan memerintah pemblokiran terhadap Facebook sampai 31 Mei, karena rakyat Pakistan tersinggung dengan laman Everyone Draw Mohammed Day yang menghujat dan menistakan Rasulullah SAW.

"Millatfacebook adalah laman jejaring sosial pertama yang dimiliki Pakistan. Laman buat Muslim oleh Muslim, tempat orang-orang yang baik dari agama lain juga diterima dengan tangan terbuka," kata jejaring itu kepada orang tertarik untuk bergabung.

Setiap anggota memiliki wall buat teman untuk menyampaikan komentar. Laman tersebut menawarkan fasilitas surat elektronik, foto, video, bercakap-cakap dan diskusi.

Dalam bahasa Urdu kata Millat digunakan oleh umat Muslim untuk merujuk kepada bangsa mereka. Jejaring itu menyatakan telah menarik 4.300 anggota dalam tiga hari belakangan --kebanyakan orang Pakistan yang mampu berbahasa Inggris dalam usia 20-an tahun.

"Kami ingin memberitahu orang-orang Facebook, 'jika mereka macam-macam dengan kami, mereka harus menghadapi konsekuensi'," kata Usman Zaheer,24, pemimpin pelaksana rumah perangkat lunak yang menampung laman baru tersebut.

"Jika seseorang menghujat Nabi Muhammad SAW, maka kami akan menjadi pesaing mereka dan memberi kerugian besar dalam bisnis," katanya. Ia memimpinkan dapat membuat jejaring sosial Muslim terbesar.

Segera setelah bergabung, anggota baru hanya satu klik saja dari perdebatan di laman buletin.

Misalnya adalah "Enticing Fury" menulis, "Alasannya ialah forum ini harus tersedia buat SEMUA MUSLIM DI DUNIA dan bukan hanya di Pakistan. Jadi, penggunaan kata MILLAT sangat bagus! Selamat teman-teman. Kalian telah membuat pilihan yang sangat luar biasa buat seluruh umat Muslim!

MillatFacebook: Facebook Islam Untuk Semua

Bermula 19 Mei lalu, Mahkamah Pakistan telah mengharamkan Facebook di Pakistan sehingga 31 Mei sebagai bantahan kepada satu page di Facebook iaitu “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” atau dalam bahasa Melayunya Hari Melukis Nabi Muhammad. Aktiviti yang diadakan pada 20 Mei lalu di Facebook telah menimbulkan kemarahan penduduk Islam di seluruh dunia kerana menghina Islam dan Nabi Muhammad.
Jika Mark Zuckerberg boleh berbangga dengan kejayaan laman sosial Facebook ciptaannya, Omer Zaheer Meer juga bakal menjejaki langkah Mark dengan penciptaan laman Facebook Islam iaitu MillatFacebook. MillatFacebook hampir menyerupai Facebook dari segi designnya, namun itu bukanlah persoalannya. Mungkin MillatFacebook ini sebagai laman sosial alternatif untuk umat Islam dan memboikot Facebook. Tidak mustahil dengan kehadiran MillatFacebook ini mampu memberi impak kepada Facebook. Sama-sama kita nantikan. Jika anda berminat, bolehlah mendaftarkan diri di MillatFacebook:
“MillatFacebook helps you connect and share with more than 1.57 Billion Muslims and Sweet people from other Religions.”
MillatFacebook dengan singkatan MFB, seperti juga FB bagi Facebook, pengasasnya berkata, pakar IT kini berusaha memasukkan ciri-ciri lain ke dalamnya bagi mencabar pesaing dari California itu. Setiap ahli memiliki ‘Wall’ untuk ulasan sahabat selain mengandungi kemudahan emel, foto, video, ruang sembang dan perbincangan. Perkataan ‘Millat’ adalah bahasa Urdu yang biasa digunakan untuk merujuk kepada negara.
Keburukan penggunaan Facebook ialah dari segi privasi. Facebook sesuka hati mendedahkan maklumat peribadi pengguna seperti nama, umur, tempat tinggal dan pekerjaan kepada advertisers (pengiklan-pengiklan). Facebook juga banyak meraih keuntungan melalui iklan-iklan di Facebook. Jika tidak mahu duit dilaburkan kepada pihak Yahudi, sama-sama lah kita sokong MillatFacebook yang dicipta bagi memenuhi keperluan sosial orang Islam terutamanya di Pakistan.
Facebook lebih banyak mendatangkan keburukan berbanding kebaikan jika disalahgunakan. Saya sendiri dah join MillatFacebook. Boleh tahan la, lebih kurang macam Facebook je. Sekarang ni, MillatFacebook sedang upgrade server kerana penggunanya kini mencecah 90,000 orang dalam masa beberapa hari je!
di petik dari

MillatFacebook Pengganti Facebook?

“MillatFacebook helps you connect and share with more than 1.57 Billion Muslims and Sweet people from other Religions.”
Omer Zaheer Meer telah mencipta milatfacebook yang seakan-akan menyerupai Facebook tapi pendekatan lebih diberikan kepada Islam. Maka MilatFacebook juga boleh dikatakan sebagai Facebook Islam. Yang pasti, selama ini orang ramai sering menyatakan 'Boikot Facebook' , jadi mari kita boikot dengan jalan yang benar dan semestinya orang ramai akan menjadi bosan tanpa Facebook kan???
Kerana itulah MilatFacebook dicipta.
Selain itu, perhubungan antara muslimin dan muslimat di setiap negara akan bertambah erat dan kukuh.
Facebook telah dicipta oleh Mark Zuckerberg dari California. 
Selain itu, ‘Millat’ daripada MilatFacebook terdiri daripada bahasa Urdu yang biasa digunakan untuk merujuk kepada negara. Sekarang ni, MillatFacebook sedang upgrade server bagi mencabar pesaing dari California itu

Jom ramai-ramai kita masuk MillatFacebook:

Friday, May 21, 2010

This is my first WordCamp

This is my first  WordCamp cause this is  Malaysia’s first WordCamp haa...haaa..

In case you’re not familiar with it:

WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. WordCamps are open to and users alike.

WordCamp Malaysia 2010 will be held on May 22, 2010 at Bintang Grand Ballroom, Cititel Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur. 

Full agenda of WordCamp Malaysia is available at And among the highlights, Miss Naoko McCracken from Automattic will be attending as keynote speaker. What a great news!

The only way to find out more is to ATTEND it.

 Sign up  at

Being WordCamp Malaysia attendees, you will entitle:

- Some WordPress Schwag all the way from San Francisco!
- Over 7 Hours of awesome content
- Great networking opportunities with like-minded individuals
- Buffet Lunch at the Hotel
- 2 Coffee Breaks
- And some “mystery” gifts by sponsors (we will be notifying everybody via twitter on what is going to be given out)

WordCamp Malaysia 2010 is jointly organized by Interunix, Grok, WP Design Studio & Kreative Themes.



Posted via web from faizar's posterous


This my first  WordCamp cause this is  Malaysia’s first WordCamp haa...haaa..

In case you’re not familiar with it:

WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. WordCamps are open to and users alike.

WordCamp Malaysia 2010 will be held on May 22, 2010 at Bintang Grand Ballroom, Cititel Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur. 

Full agenda of WordCamp Malaysia is available at And among the highlights, Miss Naoko McCracken from Automattic will be attending as keynote speaker. What a great news!

The only way to find out more is to ATTEND it.

 Sign up  at

Being WordCamp Malaysia attendees, you will entitle:

- Some WordPress Schwag all the way from San Francisco!
- Over 7 Hours of awesome content
- Great networking opportunities with like-minded individuals
- Buffet Lunch at the Hotel
- 2 Coffee Breaks
- And some “mystery” gifts by sponsors (we will be notifying everybody via twitter on what is going to be given out)

WordCamp Malaysia 2010 is jointly organized by Interunix, Grok, WP Design Studio & Kreative Themes.



Posted via web from faizar's posterous


Monday, May 17, 2010


Alhamdulilah kumpulan KIK kami , eWAVE Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak (PTAR ) telah terpilih untuk ke ICQCC 2010 HYDERABAD INDIA  yang akan berlangsung di Novotel & Hyderabad International Convention Centre Complex  dengan tema "Develop People for Better Tomorrow" dimana kali ini ia dianjurkan oleh  Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI)

maklumat penuh :
Dates:October 12-15, 2010
Venue:Novotel & Hyderabad International Convention Centre Complex
Theme:"Develop People for Better Tomorrow"
Organized by:Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI)

For more details,
Secretariat, ICQCC-2010 Hyderabad

Quality Circle Forum of India
Email: /

It is our proud privilege to announce that the International Convention on Quality Concept Circles, will be hosted by Quality Circle Forum of India, which will be held from 12th - 15th October, 2010 at, Hyderabad, India. India is hosting ICQCC for the third time, the previous ones having been held at New Delhi, in 1989, and at Lucknow in 2002. The third one is going to be held at Hyderabad in 2010. Every convention is an opportunity for the Members practicing Quality Control Circles and other Quality Team Concepts, to share the experience and knowledge from one another, to rub shoulders with one another, discover each other's culture and unite in the creed of Quality and Human Brotherhood.

The theme of the convention is "Develop People for Better Tomorrow" - Developing people is an eternal theme for the world. As long as there is lack of development of the people, there will be disparities in the economic status of the countries. Development of the people through QC Circle intermingled with other Quality Concepts is a need to build a better tomorrow for people all over the world. ICQCC - 2010, India will provide opportunities for Quality and QC Circle experts to exchange views and search for new avenues to improve process management, value addition and cost reduction. Every time one visits India, they will find a vibrant country forging ahead, overcoming every hurdle that comes in its way. We extend to you all a warm welcome to attend the convention not only to contribute to the Quality movement as a whole, but also rediscover India with its diverse cultures. The idea of organizing the International Convention on Quality Control Circles began in 1975. During the Korean Control Conference, the organizers proposed to widen the exchange of ideas and experiences on QC circle activities. A year after, the first international event materialized in Seoul.

Convention delegates are quality practitioners, professionals, facilitators, trainers, QC circle members from various industries, private and government agencies, and the academe as well. They come mainly from the Asia-Pacific region and of late there has seen an increasing participation from Africa, the United States, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Over the years and in keeping with new developments, other quality improvement initiatives were also featured in the convention. However, the basic approach of people involvement through QCC remained the focus of interest even as variant approaches emerged. ICQCC is administered by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE). Hosting of the annual event, however, is rotated among member countries of the ICQCC Coordinating Committee. India has so far hosted two conventions: in 1989 and 2002. It is represented by Quality Circle Forum of India, in coordination with its 20 chapters in different part of India.

Official Language: Presentations and documentation of proceedings are in English.

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Adobe Creative Suite 5 Roadshow 2010 - Coming to Malaysia

Adobe Creative Suite 5 - design without boundaries
Malaysia, 18 May 2010 
Wisma Bentley Music, Auditorium, Level 4
Address: 3, Jalan PJU 7/2, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Today we're all experiencing an unprecedented amount of change on the web, in publishing, and across all forms of media and advertising. Whether you are a creative pro, an interactive designer, a coding developer, a video artist or any other type of creative professional, CS5 has the tools to help you produce compelling experiences across a vast range of media, faster and more productively.

Our CS5 Creative Suite Consultant is taking to the road demonstrating the latest developments and the newest features in a city near you.
Register with us now to reserve a seat at the Adobe CS5 Roadshow.
Event Highlights:
Be on hand to view Adobe Creative Suite Consultant, Nelson John, as he takes you on a tour of top CS5 features for web, print and video.
Attractive lucky draw prizes to be won
Special CS5 offers by Adobe Resellers
Learn how you can take the leap into the future of print and digital media with CS5.
Register Now

Rasanya baru je Launch CS3 2007 , itu pun tak explore sepenuhnya

After that Launch Adobe CS4 pun tak sempat nak explore dah launch Adobe CS4,

anyway terus guna Adobe CS 5 je le nanti ,
Joint us now

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