Alhamdulilah kali in kumpulan kami telah menerima menerima Par Excellence Award di 46th International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2021

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Malaysia Open Source Conference 2014 (MOSCMY 2014)

Expose to the future trend and outlook of Open Source Software (OSS) and Open Hardware. Experience from speakers as they share latest innovation, best practices, and success stories to leverage on OSS and Open Hardware for your business success and operational efficiency. Enhance your strategic capability and technical knowledge with numerous in-depth coverage...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Web of Science & Endnote Training

TRAINING PROGRAM : THOMSON REUTERS WEB OF SCIENCE & ENDNOTE  Date: 29 August 2014(Friday) Time: 9.30 am-4.00 pm  Venue: Bilik 1, Pusat IT, PTAR 1, UiTM Shah Alam.  Participants:  Librarian Only Speaker: Mr. Wilson Tan, Thomson.Bersama ini disertakan slide persembahan yang telah diberikan kebenaran oleh Wilson dari Thomson Reuters untuk dikongsikan; Web...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mysterious And Calamitous Transformation Of The Muslim World Over The Last 100 Years Of Modern History

MYSTERIOUS AND CALAMITOUS TRANSFORMATION OF THE MUSLIM WORLD OVER THE LAST 100 YEARS OF MODERN HISTORY Why is the world being transformed into a homogenous global society with one world  government? Why does the West want to rule the world? What explains the return of the  Jews to reclaim Jerusalem as their own, to restore a State of Israel in the Holy...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

//bina/ Malaysian Developers Conference 2014

//bina/ – Persidangan “Microsoft Build” Versi Malaysia – Akan Diadakan Pada 13 September //bina/ Malaysian Developers Conference 2014Telekom Malaysia Convention Center9AM-6PM (Registration & Breakfast starts at 8AM)Venue Registration : Lobby, Level G, TMCCInquiries : Dinah +603 6205 5291 The Microsoft annual global //build/ tech conference finally...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

KL Converge 2014 To Establish Malaysia As Digital Media And Communications Hub In Asean

The inaugural KL Converge 2014 is aimed at establishing Malaysia as Asean's leading digital media and communications hub in fortifying creative content synergies through digital integration. The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) chairman Datuk Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi said the three-day event starting Sept 17 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre...

Red Hat Forum Kuala Lumpur 2014

SEE YOU THIS WEEK AT RED HAT FORUM, KUALA LUMPUR! Here's what you can expect at the forum this week. Red Hat Executive Keynote: Lead your IT Transformation IDC Analyst Keynote: Game-Changing IT for the Future Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7: A Platform without Boundaries and more! Learn more about Red Hat solutions that can help you transform your business and how...

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

The Apple Watch (not iWatch) announced at #AppleLive.

Selepas berbulan-bulan spekulasi, Apple pada Selasa melancarkan kemasukan pertama ke dalam wearables:  Jam Tangan Apple  haaa... haa.. Apple Watch Smartwatch ini boleh didapati dalam dua saiz (38 mm dan 42 mm) dan dalam pelbagai gaya yang berbeza. Anda boleh menghantar dan menerima mesej teks, mengambil panggilan dan memantau kesihatan dan kecergasan anda...

The Evolution of Apple's iPhone until iPhone 6

Apple bersedia untuk melancarkan iPhone baru  9 September 2014, ia adalah penting untuk melihat bagaimana peranti yang kini ikonik telah matang sejak kewujudannya pada tahun 2007.  iPhone pertama  Selepas berbulan-bulan khabar angin dan spekulasi, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Apple Steve Jobs melancarkan iPhone pertama pada Jan 9, 2007  Peranti, yang...

Monday, September 08, 2014

What To Expect From Apple’s iPhone Event On September 9

Pada 9 September 2014  Syarikat Apple  dijangka mengumumkan iPhone baru, juga khabar angin telah mengatakan kita akan melihat satu jenama baru peranti boleh dipakai iaitu- ' Apple Watch ' yang besar dan berkuasa legenda katanya .  Apple juga mungkin mempamerkan iOS 8, ​​bersama-sama dengan maklumat lebih lanjut mengenai ciri-ciri seperti HomeKit dan...

Selamat Menduduki Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR)

Salam Ukhuwah 9/9/2014 anak2 Tahun 6 akan menduduki Peperiksaan UPSR.Di kesempatan masa yang ada ini saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menduduki Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) kepada semua anak2 tahun 6 sesi pembelajaran 2014.Dengan selawat serta salam ke atas junjunganNya semoga anak2 semua mendapat kejayaan yang setimpal dengan usaha yang telah anak2 lakukan. ...

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Galaxy Note 3 vs. Note Edge vs. Note 4

Samsung Galaxy Note merupakan salah satu keluarga peranti daripada Samsung yang mempunyai peminatnya yang tersendiri, dan boleh dikatakan pelbagai ciri-ciri menarik diperkenalkan pada peranti tersebut terlebih dahulu sebelum peranti lain dibawah keluarga Galaxy. Terkini, pada acara Samsung UNPACKED 2014 yang diadakan di IFA Berlin, pihak Samsung secara rasminya telah memperkenalkan...

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge specs

The Samsung Galaxy Note Edge, which will be available in Charcoal Black and Frost White, features a 5.6in Quad HD (2560x1440) Super AMOLED screen but with a unique 160-pixel curved edge. "The Galaxy Note Edge’s unique curved Edge screen provides quick access to frequently used apps, alerts and device functionality – even when the cover is closed – all with the swipe of a thumb. Users can also receive notifications directly on the Edge Screen...

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 specs

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 specs ComponentDescription Screen sizespan data-sheets-userformat="[null null 8769 [null 0] null null null null null 0 null null 0 null null null 11]" data-sheets-value="[null 2 "5.7 inches"]">5.7 inches Screen typespan data-sheets-userformat="[null null 8769 [null 0] null null null null null 0 null null 0 null null null 11]" data-sheets-value="[null 2 "Super...

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

SAGE APAC - IMechE Online Quiz Campaign

 Hi guys, it's the start of our IMechE Online Quiz Campaign. us over the next 4 weeks for a sure win exclusive SAGE merchandise and stand a chance to win an iPad mini!What you need to do to win:1. Like this post and click unto the link to answer 3 Questions. Participant must...

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