Sunday, February 14, 2010

Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection for MAC

Design across media
Create visually rich, engaging content for virtually any media — print, web, interactive, video, audio, and mobile — using the tightly integrated tools and services in AdobeŽ Creative SuiteŽ 4 Master Collection software.

What's Inside
InDesign CS4
Photoshop CS4 Extended
Illustrator CS4
Acrobat 9 Pro
Flash CS4 Professional
Dreamweaver CS4
Fireworks CS4
Contribute CS4
After Effects CS4
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Soundbooth CS4
Adobe OnLocation CS4
Encore CS4
Adobe Bridge CS4
Adobe Device Central CS4
Dynamic Link
Version Cue CS4

More speed and control in everyday design tasksnew
Catch production errors on-the-fly with Live Preflight and manage placed files more efficiently with the newly customizable Links panel in AdobeŽ InDesignŽ CS4. Zoom in on images more smoothly and rapidly than ever, and rotate your canvas to any angle in Adobe PhotoshopŽ CS4 Extended. Combine multiple artboards in a single document in Adobe IllustratorŽ CS4. And do more with dozens of other enhancements that help you deliver the design work you do today, faster.
New dimensions in image editingnew
Use the indispensable tools in Photoshop Extended as a starting point in any medium: Apply the revolutionary new Content-Aware Scaling to automatically recompose an image as you resize it, smartly preserving vital areas of the image as it adapts to new dimensions. Paint, composite, and animate 3D models using familiar tools. Enhance video footage, even syncing visual effects to an audio track.
Rich interactive documentsnew
Export a dynamic presentation or interactive brochure as a SWF file with interactive buttons, hyperlinks, and unique page transitions, such as curl, wipe, dissolve, and fade. Or, combine the page layout strength of InDesign and the authoring power of Adobe FlashŽ CS4 Professional to customize rich interactive documents. For example, export an InDesign layout as an XLF file and open it with full visual fidelity in Flash. Then add sophisticated interactivity, animation, and navigation in Flash to produce engaging online experiences.
New animation controls for richer online experiencesnew
Simplify the creation and updating of animations in Flash CS4 Professional without losing creative flexibility. Apply tweens directly to objects instead of to keyframes with greater control over individual animation attributes. Use the new 3D translation and rotation tools to animate 2D objects on x, y, and z axes in 3D space. Create more natural animated interactions between linked objects or distort a single shape using the new Bones tool.
Easier interactions with complex web pagesnew
Design and develop more sophisticated websites with new Live View in Adobe DreamweaverŽ CS4, which features interactive code editing. Use the new Related Files and Code Navigator features to dive deeply into complex pages that include HTML files, link to external JavaScript documents, and integrate XML data. Update your code in the associated files and review changes instantly in the master document's Design view.
Exceptional productivity in video post-productionnew
Move content among Adobe After EffectsŽ CS4, Adobe PremiereŽ Pro CS4, SoundboothŽ CS4, and EncoreŽ CS4 with unparalleled efficiency, so you have more time to craft your vision. Expanded Adobe Dynamic Link enables you to link content between components so you can see updates instantly without rendering.
Direct-to-disk recording and tapeless workflowsnew
Shoot footage directly to disk from non-file-based cameras with redesigned Adobe OnLocation™ CS4, which now runs natively on WindowsŽ and IntelŽ based Mac OS systems. Import and natively edit the latest tapeless formats — including AVCHD, P2, and XDCAM EX — without transcoding or rewrapping in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.
Project intelligence with XMP metadataenhanced
Capture valuable XMP metadata from your camera, and accumulate key information throughout the production process for intelligent media management. For example, use new Speech Search technology in Adobe Premiere Pro and Soundbooth to turn spoken dialog into metadata, making it easy to find particular clips and making video assets searchable online.
Intuitive audionew
Amplify your impact in your video, film, and online interactive projects with Soundbooth CS4. Multitrack recording capabilities, a visual approach to professional audio editing, and tight integration with Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Flash, and Encore make Soundbooth a valuable addition to your creative work.
PDF collaborationnew
Communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and others using Adobe PDF files. Add video and audio created in Flash to PDF files for smooth playback in Adobe AcrobatŽ 9 Pro and Adobe ReaderŽ 9 software. Quickly export interactive web prototypes from Adobe FireworksŽ CS4 to PDF for client review. Embed video into PDF files for clients to add timecode-specific comments, and then view those comments mapped to an Adobe Premiere Pro timeline. Package documents in dynamic PDF Portfolios with customizable interactive navigation.


System requirements
- Multicore IntelŽ processor
- Mac OS X v10.4.11–10.5.4
- Java™ Runtime Environment 1.5 required for AdobeŽ Version CueŽ Server
- 2GB of RAM (more RAM recommended when running multiple components)
- 26.3GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional hard-disk space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on flash-based storage devices)
- 1,280x900 display with OpenGL 2.0–compatible graphics card
- Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0
- Dedicated 7200 RPM hard drive for DV and HDV editing; striped disk array storage (RAID 0) for HD; SCSI disk subsystem preferred
- DVD-ROM drive (SuperDrive required for DVD creation)
- Blu-ray burner required for Blu-ray disc creation
- Core Audio–compatible sound card
- QuickTime 7.4.5 software required for QuickTime and multimedia features

Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection for MAC

Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection for MAC

Available languages versions:

Retail Price: $2599.95
Our Price: $329.95
You Save: $2270

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