Monday, May 17, 2010

Adobe Creative Suite 5 Roadshow 2010 - Coming to Malaysia

Adobe Creative Suite 5 - design without boundaries
Malaysia, 18 May 2010 
Wisma Bentley Music, Auditorium, Level 4
Address: 3, Jalan PJU 7/2, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Today we're all experiencing an unprecedented amount of change on the web, in publishing, and across all forms of media and advertising. Whether you are a creative pro, an interactive designer, a coding developer, a video artist or any other type of creative professional, CS5 has the tools to help you produce compelling experiences across a vast range of media, faster and more productively.

Our CS5 Creative Suite Consultant is taking to the road demonstrating the latest developments and the newest features in a city near you.
Register with us now to reserve a seat at the Adobe CS5 Roadshow.
Event Highlights:
Be on hand to view Adobe Creative Suite Consultant, Nelson John, as he takes you on a tour of top CS5 features for web, print and video.
Attractive lucky draw prizes to be won
Special CS5 offers by Adobe Resellers
Learn how you can take the leap into the future of print and digital media with CS5.
Register Now

Rasanya baru je Launch CS3 2007 , itu pun tak explore sepenuhnya

After that Launch Adobe CS4 pun tak sempat nak explore dah launch Adobe CS4,

anyway terus guna Adobe CS 5 je le nanti ,
Joint us now

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