Alhamdulilah kali in kumpulan kami telah menerima menerima Par Excellence Award di 46th International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2021

Friday, August 21, 2009

Naib Johan Sektor Awam Konvensyen ICC Kebangsaan 2009

Konvensyen ICC Kebangsaan 2009 anjuran MPC telah selamat diadakan pada 18 - 20 Ogos 2009 di Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.Peserta dari UiTM Shah Alam terdiri daripada 3 kumpulan KIK dan jumlah keseluruhanan UiTM termasuk Cawangan adalah 9 kumpulan KIK yang masuk bertanding. Keseluruhan penyertaan kumpulan adalah dalam kategori Sektor Awam dan jumlah keseluruhan penyertaan...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Taklimat dan Perbincangan Portal Universiti

Menghadiri Taklimat dan Perbincangan Portal Universiti menggunakan teknologi IBM Web Sphere Portal.Tarikh : 21 Ogos 2009Masa : 9 pg -12 tgh hariTempat : Makmal Komputer, PSMBPortalWeb portal web portal presents information from diverse sources in a unified way. Apart from the standard search engine feature, web portals offer other services such as e-mail, news, stock prices, information, and entertainment....

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

EndNote tools in Office 2007

Pertanyaan tentang EndNote tools in Office 2007 , ia bergantung kepada Versi EndNote yang digunakan,Merujuk kepada laman web EndNote ada mnerangkan 'Compatibility' antara EndNote dan Word 2007 seperti dibawah:Compatibility:We have identified the following items related to compatibility between EndNote and Word 2007. These items are based on testing performed with the public release of Word 2007. We continue to monitor reports from users and...

Monday, August 03, 2009

Tips Of The Week on Microsoft Office 2007 - View Files Without Opening Them

Tips Of The Week on Microsoft Office 2007 - View Files Without Opening Them Do you know you can now view the content of Word, Excel, PowerPoint slides and Adobe Acrobat files and HTML files without needing to open them? 1. Open the location of the file that you want to preview. 2. Click on Organize -> Layout -> Preview Pane 3. You will notice that...

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