Alhamdulilah kali in kumpulan kami telah menerima menerima Par Excellence Award di 46th International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2021


Alhamdulilah dari dua projek inovasi yang saya sertai dalam (IIDEX) 2019 kali ini , inovasi WeGBY CHAIR telah menerima Anugerah SPECIAL AWARD - DIAMOND dan GOLD manakala inovasi RDMS (Reference Desk Management System ) mendapat anugerah SILVER


Alhamdulilah kali ini di anugerahkan sebagai Fasiltator Terbaik di Konvensyen KIK Peringkat UiTM 2019 Zon Tengah sekali lagi setelah menerima pada tahun 2016


Alhamdulilah tugasan kali ini berjaya membawa kumpulan KIK PTAR i-Clique meraih Anugerah Emas dalam Konvensyen Team Excellent Peringkat Wilayah 2018 ( Wilayah Selatan ) di Holiday Villa Johor Bahru City Centre


Alhamdulilah dapat juga melakarkan sejarah memenangi anugerah emas bagi penyertaan di International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2017) pula dengan produk inovasi Solat Alert Software (SAS). ....

Anugerah EMAS (GOLD) di Ekspo Reka Cipta, Inovasi dan Reka Bentuk (Invention, Innovation And Design Exposition) - IIDEX

Alhamdulilah kedua-dua projek inovasi yang saya sertai mendapat anugerah dalam IIDEX2016 daripada sejumlah 745 penyertaan keseluruhannya.

Awards at British Invention Show 2009

The British Invention Show, is the largest innovation and technology expo in Britain. UiTM submitted 8 entries of which all won medals.

Fasilitator Terbaik

Fasilitator Terbaik kali kedua berturut-turut. Sebenarnya kejayaaan ini adalah kejayaan anda semua.

Konvensyen ICC Kebangsaan

Naib Johan Sektor Awam, 10 Kumpulan Terbaik Sektor Awam, Anugerah Emas 3 Bintang Konvensyen ICC Kebangsaan

Pingat Emas Dalam Malaysia Technology Expo ( MTE)

Menerima anugerah Pingat Emas dalam Malaysia Technology Expo ( MTE) 2009 yang telah diadakan pada 19 hingga 21 Februari 2009 di PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. Pelbagai hasil penyelidikan telah dipamerkan oleh 460 peserta/ kumpulan daripada pelbagai IPTA, badan swasta, MRSM dan lain-lain organisasi.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nuzul Al-Quran.

Sememangnya sudah menjadi tradisi bagi kita umat Islam, pada setiap tanggal 17 Ramadhan kita akan mengadakan peringatan Nuzul Al-Quran. Bahkan hampir di seluruh negeri-negeri Islam, pemerintahan setempat secara rutin melaksanakan peringatan tersebut setiap tahun, yang sering-kali digabungkan dengan peristiwa Perang Badar Al-Kubra (terjadi pada 17 Ramadhan tahun ke 2 Hijrah, ketika umat Islam pertama kali melaksanakan shaum Ramadhan).

Peristiwa nuzul al-Quran menjadi satu rakaman sejarah dalam kehidupan Nabi SAW hingga seterusnya berperingkat-peringkat menjadi lengkap sebagaimana kitab al-Quran yang ada pada kita hari ini. Peristiwa Nuzul al-Quran berlaku pada malam Jumaat, 17 Ramadan, tahun ke-41 daripada keputeraan Nabi Muhamad SAW.

Perkataan ‘Nuzul’ bererti turun atau berpindah dari atas ke bawah. Bila disebut bahawa al-Quran adalah mukjizat terbesar Nabi SAW maka ianya memberi makna terlalu besar kepada umat Islam terutamanya yang serius memikirkan rahsia al-Quran.

‘Al-Quran’ bererti bacaan atau himpunan. Di dalamnya terhimpun ayat yang menjelaskan pelbagai perkara meliputi soal tauhid, ibadat, jinayat, muamalat, sains, teknologi dan sebagainya. Kalimah al-Quran, sering dicantumkan dengan rangkai kata ‘al-Quran mukjizat akhir zaman’ atau ‘al-Quran yang mempunyai mukjizat’. Malah inilah sebenarnya kelebihan al-Quran tidak ada satu perkara pun yang dicuaikan atau tertinggal di dalam al-Quran. Dengan lain perkataan segalanya terdapat di dalam al-Quran.

Firman Allah: Dan tidak seekor pun binatang yang melata di bumi, dan tidak seekor pun burung yang terbang dengan kedua sayapnya, melainkan mereka umat-umat seperti kamu. Tiada Kami tinggalkan sesuatu pun di dalam kitab Al-Quran ini; kemudian mereka semuanya akan dihimpunkan kepada Tuhan mereka (untuk dihisab dan menerima balasan). (Al-An’am:38)

al-Quran adalah hidayah, rahmat, syifa, nur, furqan dan pemberi penjelasan bagi manusia.. Segala isi kandungan al-Quran itu benar. Al-Quran juga dikenali sebagai Al-Nur bererti cahaya yang menerangi, al-Furqan bererti yang dapat membezakan di antara yang hak dan batil dan al-Zikr pula bermaksud yang memberi peringatan.

Dalam sejarah kehidupan Nabi SAW ayat al-Quran yang mula-mula diturunkan Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW melalui perantaraan malaikat Jibrail ialah lima ayat pertama daripada surah Al-‘Alaq. maksudnya:”Bacalah (wahai Muhammad) dengan nama Tuhan mu yang menciptakan (sekalian makhluk), Ia menciptakan manusia dari sebuku darah beku; Bacalah, dan Tuhan mu Yang Maha Pemurah, -Yang mengajar manusia melalui pena dan tulisan, -Ia mengajarkan manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya.” (al-‘alaq:1-5)

NUZUL al- Quran Dan Lailatul Qadar


Maklumat lain

Bila dan Bagaimana Al-Quran diturunkan.

Fungsi Al-Quran

Kandungan (isi) Al-Quran

Al-Quran dan perubahan dalam kehidupan

Fadhilat Al-Quran

Cara-cara Al-Quran diwahyukan

Hikmah diturunkan Al-Quran secara beransur-ansur

Ayat-ayat Makkiyyah dan Ayat-ayat Madaniyyah

Adab-adab membaca Al-Quran

Nama-nama Al-Quran

Pass the knowledge of Quran by referring your friends & relatives to this website. If you own a website, help promote this site by linking to Quran Online atau

Dapatkan juga ekad di atau

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Observing Ramadan - The Big Picture

Muslim faithful throughout the world are currently observing the holy month of Ramadan. Observant Muslims participate in fasting (sawm), one of the five pillars of their faith, this entire Lunar month (this year it extends from September 1st to the 30th). Eating, drinking, smoking and sexual activity is prohibited from dawn until sunset, when the fast is broken with the evening meal called Iftar. Local customs define varying traditions, including differing types of food used to break the daily fast. The fasting is meant to teach a person patience, humility and sacrifice, to set aside time to ask forgiveness, practice self-restraint, and pray for guidance in the future

Observing Ramadan - The Big Picture -

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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Samsung Omnia: The Amazing 5MP Camera And Touchscreen Phone

One of the most impressive widget from this company is the Samsung Omnia that is equipped with sophisticated features and functionalities.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubarak dan Salam Merdeka

Selamat Menyambut Kemerdekaan. Semoga Melaysia terus merdeka sebagai Negara Islam yang berdaulat yang bebas dihuni oleh pelbagai kaum, bersatu padu, makmur, harmoni, aman, tenteram, damai, sejahtera, merdeka terus merdeka.............. InsyaAllah PERPADUAN TERAS KEJAYAAN. PERLIHARALAH & PERTAHANKANLAH KEMERDEKAN INI.
Disamping itu ya Allah merdekakan juga diri ini dari belengu dan jajahan hawa nafsu syaitan yang durjana dengan amalan berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan yang penuh dengan segala-galanya ini, Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat berpuasa.

Dapatkan e-Book PERCUMA Panduan Ramadhan & Tarawikh di

Monday, July 14, 2008

How to Sync Google Calendar with Outlook and Smartphones Automatically

How to easily syncing Google Calendar data with my smartphone. I use Outlook for my personal information management because it's still the only thing that puts all my data in one place the way I want it.
Google Calendar's iCal export made manual syncing with Outlook possible, but I want to get all my calendar data from my computer to my phone automatically. There have been several third party solutions that attempt to address this with varying levels of success. Just recently, Google released Google Calendar Sync, completely addressing the automatic sync between Outlook and Google Calendar.

Here's how you can sync Outlook with Google Calendar automatically:

First download Google Calendar Sync and install it.

After installation is complete, enter your Google Apps account id and password. Choose whether you want 2-way sync, Outlook to Google only, or Google to Outlook only. Also enter the frequency in minutes of how often you want to synchronize your calendars.

Once you're finished, Google Calendar Sync automatically starts combining the two calendars (which took roughly 10 minutes for 400 items in my test). Your Smart phone settings will then automatically sync with Outlook to grab any Google Calendar items.
See Also: How to Automatically Backup Outlook
If you have a Smartphone or Pocket PC you might also find these articles useful:
Changing Smartphone Video Preferences
Smartphone Shortcut to Fullscreen Video
Convert Movies for Pocket PC or Smartphone
Text below is provided for historic purposes only. It was once the best method for syncing Google Calendar and Outlook. I do not recommend this method. Download Google Calendar Sync instead.
RemoteCalendars solves this problem, making ongoing data sync simple after a convoluted setup process.
Here's how you can sync your Google Calendar with Outlook 2003 or 2007 and automatically sync to your phone in the process.
1) Download RemoteCalendars and unzip the files.
2) Install RemoteCalendar - normally installation is a piece of cake, this is where it gets potentially confusing.
Close Microsoft Outlook
Install NET Framework 2.0 unless you already have it.
In the Prerequisites folder of your RemoteCalendar install, unpack the O2003PIA.EXE files and install O2003PIA.MSI.
Install vstor.exe, also in the Prerequisites folder
Install RemoteCalendarsVSTOSetup.msi from the main RemoteCalendar folder.
3) Launch Outlook - You should now have a toolbar in Outlook that looks like this:
4) Click the Options button on the toolbar to bring up the menu options. Set the timezone to your timezone so that all items stay in sync. Optionally check the Automatic Update box.
5) Click the Subscribe a RemoteCalendar button to add your Google Calendar to Outlook.
6) Copy the iCal URL for your calendar's Private Address on the Calendar Settings page.
7) Put the iCal URL in the Remote Calendar's URL box, add the calendar name and check the box next to it's my Google Calendar and I want to sync both ways
8) Input the username and password for your Google Calendar when prompted.
Items added to your Google Calendar will now automatically appear in your Outlook calendar and sync with your phone based on your sync preferences.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

World Congress on Information Technology, WCIT 2008

At the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) 2008 in Kuala Lumpur.

Held once every two years, the World Congress on Information Technology is a premier global ICT forum that brings together global leaders in business, government and academia. Often billed as the Olympics of ICT, it impacts global economic and social development through the exchange of policies and ideas on technology.

WCIT 2008  held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on May 18 – 22, 2008. Themed “The Global Impact of Information and Communications Technology: Enable Businesses, Empower Societies, Enrich Economies”, the five-day event is expected to draw more than 2,500 delegates from over 80 countries. Keynote speakers are expected to include some of the most respected and admired names in Government and industry.

Past Event Hosts

Coming to life: Bill Gates couldn’t make it to the WCIT 2008 in Kuala Lumpur Monday but he ‘appeared’ anyway via holographic projection which impressed the crowd.

Bill Gates, chairman of software powerhouse Microsoft Corp, made a five-minute virtual appearance at the World Congress on Information Technology 2008 here.

A 4.6m holographic projection of the billionaire enthralled the 400-strong audience at the congress yesterday at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

The image was shot in high definition and projected onto plastic foil which was stretched out in the centre’s Plenary Hall.

The result was life-like and impressive and the crowd applauded the effort.

Microsoft claimed this was the first holographic appearance of Gates anywhere in the world.

Making it happen involved rendering a pre-recorded image of Gates with speech that was filmed in Seattle, United States, two weeks ago.

Rendering work was done by local entertainment company Fat Boys Records Sdn Bhd and involved about a dozen specialists.

The holographic Gates spoke about the wonders of computing power and how it was growing and creating more opportunities worldwide.

“There are one billion people (in the world) who have a personal computer each but there are five billion others who don’t. Microsoft also wants to reach these people.”

among young volunteers

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ajar buat blog

hari saya ajar adiba buat blog



Main article: History of blogging timeline
Main article: Online diary
The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger[43] on 17 December 1997. The short form, "blog," was coined by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog in April or May of 1999.[44][45][46] This was quickly adopted as both a noun and verb ("to blog," meaning "to edit one's weblog or to post to one's weblog").

Jenis-jenis bog
- Diary (text base)
- Photo log
- Video log vlog videoblog
- Phone log atau Mobile log (moblog) sms & mms services

Juga ajar apa dia RSS

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from RSS (file format))
• Have questions? Find out how to ask questions and get answers. •
For other meanings of RSS, see RSS (disambiguation).
For RSS feeds from Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Syndication.

Screenshot of an RSS feed as seen in Mozilla Thunderbird
File extension .rss, .xml
Internet media type application/rss+xml (Registration Being Prepared)[1]
Extended from XML
RSS is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines, and podcasts in a standardized format.[2] An RSS document (which is called a "feed" or "web feed"[3] or "channel") contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with web sites in an automated manner that can be piped into special programs or filtered displays.[3]
The benefit of RSS is the aggregation of content from multiple Web sources in one place. RSS content can be read using software called an "RSS reader", "feed reader" or an "aggregator", which can be web-based or desktop-based. A standardized XML file format allows the information to be published once and viewed by many different programs. The user subscribes to a feed by entering the feed's link into the reader or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process. The RSS reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new content, downloading any updates that it finds and provides a user interface to monitor and read the feeds.
The initials "RSS" are used to refer to the following formats:
Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
RDF Site Summary (RSS 1.0 and RSS 0.90)
Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91).
RSS formats are specified using XML, a generic specification for the creation of data formats. Although RSS formats have evolved since March 1999,[4] the RSS icon ("") first gained widespread use in 2005/2006.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hari ini belajar buat AdSense di Blogspot

Hari Belajar buat AdSense dengan Tumijan di Makmal PSMB

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

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