Alhamdulilah kali in kumpulan kami telah menerima menerima Par Excellence Award di 46th International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2021

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Majlis Khatam Al-Qur’an , Qiamulail, Sahur dan kuliah subuh Perdana Selangor 2011

Majlis Khatam Al-Qur’an & Dewan Solat Utama, MSSAAS  * 27 Ogos 2011 (Sabtu)  See the full gallery on Posterous Program Sahur & Qiyamullail Perdana, Peringkat Negeri Selangor,  (Unit Dakwah JAIS)  Lokasi : Dewan Makan, Dewan Solat Bawah, MSSAAS  27 Ogos 2011, (Sabtu) , 3.00 pagi ...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kuliah Khas Ramadhan-Syeikh Ali Saleh bin Muhammad Ali Jaber

Satu Kuliah Khas telah berlangsung selepas solat sunat terawih dan witir berjemaah bertempat di Dewan Solat Utama. Solat Isyak dan solat sunat terawih malam tersebut telah diimamkan oleh  imam jemputan dari Madinah Sheikh Muhammad Saad Nomani Madani dan Ustaz Abdul Karim Omar (Pegawai Hal Ehwal Islam MSSAAS). Lebih 500 orang jemaah mengikuti kuliah...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hari Huffaz Selangor Kali ke-5

SHAH ALAM 22 Ogos - Sepanjang 20 dan 21 Ogos 2011 telah berlangsung Hari Huffaz Selangor bertempat di Dewan Solat Bawah Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (MSSAAS). Program ini merupakan program anjuran bersama Persatuan Institusi Tahfiz Al-Quran, Jawatankuasa Tahfiz Selangor dan ditaja oleh Lembaga Zakat Selangor, Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad, MSSAAS dan...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Students Don't Know

CHICAGO -- For a stranger, the main library at the University of Illinois at Chicago can be hard to find. The directions I got from a pair of clerks at the credit union in the student center have proven unreliable. I now find myself adrift among ash trees and drab geometric buildings.Finally, I call for help. Firouzeh Logan, a reference librarian here, soon appears and...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

SAGE Library News – August 2011

SAGE Library News – August 2011 Trouble viewing? Try the web version.Mobile user? Try the mobile version. Forward to a friend Email alerts Safelist us SAGE Library News – August 2011 Welcome to the Summer Issue of SAGE Library News. Click on the links below to learn about...

How Social Networks Might Change the Way We Read Books

Reading hasn’t always been seen as a solitary act. Our first experiences with books demonstrate that: before we know how to read, we often have people — a parent, a teacher — reading out loud to us. But once we know how to read, there’s a sense that we’re supposed to read silently and oftentimes, read alone. Even so, we’re still compelled to share what we’re reading...

Friday, August 19, 2011

British Libraries Push Back

Perpustakaan penyelidikan utama di Britain telah memberitahu kedua-dua penerbit jurnal terbesar bahawa mereka tidak akan memperbaharui 'tawaran besar "dengan mereka, jika mereka tidak membuat penurunan harga sebenar.more:Major research libraries in Britain have told the two largest journal publishers that they will not renew their "big deals" with them if they do not make...

11 Ways To Use Technology To Thank Your Donors | Idealware

This article was originally published in the August 2011 issue of The NonProfit Times. Organizations use technology to engage donors, manage them in databases, and even accept their donation payments online. With a little creative thinking you can save staff time on this important step and increase the likelihood that donors will give again. Such classic techniques as thank-you letters, phone calls, events and special gifts will never go...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Khutbah Jumaat : Lailatul Qadar DiHayati Kemenangan DiRai

Khutbah Jumaat: Lailatul qadar titik tingkat takwa, ibadat - JAKIM HARI berlalu begitu cepat, tanpa disedari kini kita sudah berada pada hari ke-19 Ramadan. Maka 10 terakhir Ramadan ini adalah masa berharga yang perlu direbut semua insan beriman kepada Allah SWT. Masa terakhir inilah akan menentukan sama ada puasa kita mendapat keberkatan, menjadi penebus segala kesalahan...

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