Alhamdulilah kali in kumpulan kami telah menerima menerima Par Excellence Award di 46th International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2021

Friday, July 30, 2010

Bengkel Peyediaan Dokumen ICQCC 2010

Bagi tujuan persiapan kumpulan eWAVE dalam pembentangan projek di International Convention on Quality Concept Circles (ICQCC) - 2010 nanti bertempat di Hyderabad India pada 12 - 15 Okt 2010 http://www.icqcc2010.commaka pada 28 -29 Julai 2010 yang lalu, pihak Urus Setia KIK UiTM mengadakan Bengkel Dokumentasi Projek Tarikh : 28, 29 Julai 2010 dan ...

Monday, July 26, 2010


Word Processor Compatibility:EndNote X3 is compatible with the following word processors:Cite While You Write: Microsoft® Word® 2004, 2008(SP1). Updates for these word processors can be found at the Microsoft Office update website. Pages '09: EndNote is integrated into Pages '09 as part of Apple's iWork '09 suite. RTF Document Scan: works with RTF...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

FIFA World Cup 2010 Winner : Spain Beats Netherlands 1-0 in extra time

Orange crush vs. red and yellow fever Congratulations SPAIN....They deserve to win Spain beats Netherlands 1-0 for World Cup title 2010 JOHANNESBURG — Andres Iniesta scored with four minutes of extra time remaining to give Spain a 1-0 win over the Netherlands and a first World Cup title. With the teams facing a penalty shootout in a game of few clear chances, Iniesta...

Friday, July 02, 2010


2 Kuliah Oleh Peceramah terkenal setiap hari SabtuAnjuran Hal Ehwal IslamDengan kerjasama Perpustakaaan Awam Selangor, MBSA, JAIS , dll Time: July 3, 2010 from 9am to 11am Location: Perkarangan Muzium Negeri Selangor Posted via email from faizar's posterous...

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