Friday, June 03, 2011

Enhancing academic reputation with new social media


Program : “Enhancing academic reputation with new social media”
Tarikh : 06 Jun 2011 (Isnin)
Masa : 10.00 pagi - 11.00 pagi
Tempat : Auditorium 2, iLQAM
Penceramah : Prof Casey Chan, Adjunct Professor at YLL School of Medicine & Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore

Learning objectives:

At the end of this workshop you should be able to:
·    Set up an academic blog focused on your research interest and public outreach
·    Learn how to use Twitter and Facebook to increase your post- publication publicity
·    Create discussion groups on Facebook
·    Use WizFolio to share references with your colleagues and the public
·    Use WizFolio to upload your publications to the Internet.


Social media has expanded beyond personal connectivity into mainstream branding and customer outreach for all the major consumer brands. Its impact on political change is self-evident. Partly due to unfamiliarity and partly due to the association of social media with disrepute academics have been slow to embrace this medium.

In this talk, the role of social media in academic reputation will be discussed. For academics, social media is a new media is a new way to rapidly disseminate their research work and enhance their online presence. The use of the new media has to be carefully managed to avoid pitfalls.

In this workshop, tips will be given on how to utilize conventional social networking platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to integrate with the new generation of reference managers. In addition to discussions on CiteULike, Mendeley and Zotero, Prof Chan will demonstrate the use of Wizfolio to create an online presence by coupling with the new media. 

About the Speaker:

Casey Chan is an adjunct professor at the YLL School of Medicine and Faculty of Engineering at the National University of Singapore. He is active in teaching and research in both faculties, and regularly mentors the younger academic staff and graduate students on their career development. WizFolio, the journal reference management software he has developed, is widely used by undergraduate and graduate students for their final year projects and graduate theses. Prof Chan has led the effort to integrate WizFolio with resources from Scholarly Portal, a consortium of 21 university libraries in Canada. 



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